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    Believing the Impossible Before Breakfast

    Believing the Impossible Before Breakfast


    1 February 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
    [Osho gives sannyas:]

    Just raise your hands, close your eyes, and feel utterly open. These hands are the gestures of
    openness. Feel receptive, because sannyas has to be received; you cannot take it, you can only
    receive it. It is a gift: you can allow it to happen. There is no need to grab it. The only need is to
    give way, to let it happen.

    Feel great energy showering on you, as if you are standing under a waterfall. Energy is splashing
    on you and the body starts swaying, the body starts feeling drunk. Go into it, and if something starts
    happening in the body, allow it.

    Tao is the name for that which cannot be named, a name for the nameless – just like god or dhamma
    or truth or logos. These are not really names, but human helplessness. We have to call it something,
    we have to address it. Tao is one of the most beautiful names given to the unknown, because it is
    utterly meaningless. God has become very meaningful, hence it has lost significance.

    You can worship god, you cannot worship tao; there is no image. Even people who say that they
    believe in no image, that they believe only in god, they too worship, and in the worship an image
    arises automatically. You need not carve an image out of wood or stone: the image is carved out of
    your thought, it is part of your imagination. You may not worship a stone image, but the moment you
    say ’god’ a subtle image arises in you: somebody sitting there on a golden throne, controlling the
    whole world, a very wise man with a white beard and all that, a father figure. But with’tao’ no figure
    arises. That is the beauty of the name, that it simply gives you no clue. It gives you no excuse to go
    into imagination. It gives no help for you to become a worshipper.

    That is the greatest name given to the unknown. It is significant because it is meaningless; it means
    nothing. All that can be put into it is that it means the way – not a way to any goal but just the way

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